Monday, August 18, 2008

Just an update

Nothing is really going on around here.  We're still gearing up for the play in Sept and in fact we built the set on Sunday.  DH came with me to help and he was a Godsend.  Thank goodness he was there or we'd all be in trouble!

But I guess we are getting old, bc by the end of the day, neither of us could move very well :)

The job hunt is still on.  I had a good interview this morning and one last week, so we're keeping our fingers crossed.

Other than that, we're pretty boring for now :)


  1. Glad to hear from you! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you on the job hunt. How's the diet & exercise going? :-)

  2. I gave you an award for "Share the Love" on my fisherman blog. You can blog about that while you're letting your muscles recover.

    Good luck on the job interview.

  3. Thanks Robin! And to answer your question Angie- not too well. I don't do well when I am not on a schedule. :(
